Life is too short to not.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Never Easy

I don't care what anyone says... When parents separate, it is never easy for the child, especially when that child is an adult.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Why tolerate rudeness?

After shopping at my local Wal-Mart and KMart, I have encountered two situations of rudeness. Two weeks ago, I was waiting to use the digital photo machine at Wal-Mart (A machine I use quite often as I am my school's yearbook advisor). After taking his sweet time, I kindly asked the man using the machine if he was going to be much longer. I expected a simple "yes, give me a few minutes." What I got was "I will be done when I am done. And you need to back up out of my space." Needless to say, I was shocked. But, for those who know me, I do not back down to rude people. I told him to change the tone of his voice and explained that I was doing nothing wrong by waiting "in line" to use the machine. After roughly two minutes of this crap, I found store security and explained the situation. I have not been back to use that photo machine since. Today, while shopping at my KMart, I overheard a female customer being very rude to a nice salesgirl. This girl was the only employee working several departments and was doing her best to do her job. I told the customer to not talk to the employee in the manner in which was taking place. The rude customer began yelling at me. I also passed on this incident of rudeness to store management. I guess I should not but into other people's situations, however, I am to the point where I am plain sick and tired of people and their ignorance. As I teach my students on a regular basis, rudeness should not be tolerated from or by anyone.

Up and Running...

After winning the Price is Right, I have had many conversations with many new people. During the day of the PIR taping, my family and I met a ton of fun friends. Of those friends was Paul from Texas. Paul has his own blog website,, and posted information about the show. After looking at his site, I thought it was only right to create my own. I am excited to share my somewhat (understatement) busy life with others. Enjoy!